windows 11

How To Reset Windows 11

By Kevin / January 11, 2024

There are any number of reasons why you might want to or need to “reset” Windows 11.

Here is the step-by-step process on how to either download a “clean” copy of Windows directly from Microsoft and have your computer back up and running fairly quickly, or reinstaling Windows without removing your files on the drive.

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The First Things You Should Do With Your New Windows 11 Computer

By Kevin / January 6, 2024

Congratulations on your new computer! It’s always exciting to bring a new system home to replace the aging one that has seen better days.

To do that, you need to change some settings and make your computer more usable and user-friendly. Here are the steps I recommend.

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The First Things To Do When Setting Up Windows 11 – Part 2 – Desktop Icons, Removing Pre-installed Programs, Startup Items

By Kevin / November 30, 2023

This is Part 2 of my blog post series on the steps I recommend when setting up Windows 11.

We’re going to review Desktop Icons, Remove pre-installed programs, and disable unwanted Startup Items.

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The First Things To Do When Setting Up Windows 11 – Part 5 – Disable File Explorer Ads, Enable System Restore

By Kevin / November 26, 2023

This is Part 5 of my blog post series on the steps I recommend when setting up Windows 11. This post covers disabling ads in File Explorer, and enabling System Restore.

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The First Things To Do When Setting up Windows 11 – Part 4 – Hibernate and Sleep, File Extensions, Lock Screen Ads and Tips

By Kevin / November 26, 2023

This is Part 4 of my blog post series on the steps I recommend when setting up Windows 11. This post covers hibernation and sleep, file extensions, and disabling ads and tips on the Lock Screen.

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The First Things to Do When Settings Up Windows 11 – Part 3 – Notifications, Web Browser, PatchMyPC

By Kevin / November 26, 2023

This is Part 3 of my blog post series on the steps I recommend when setting up Windows 11. This post covers notifications, choosing a web browser, and using PatchMyPC to update programs.

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The First Things To Do When Setting Up Windows 11 – Part 1 – Windows Update, App Updates, Taskbar and Start Menu

By Kevin / November 18, 2023

Congratulations on your new computer! It’s always very exciting to bring a new system home to replace the aging one that has seen better days. Since it’s a new computer, it most likely came with Windows 11. Here are the things I recommend doing in terms of setting up your new PC!

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Quick Tip: Display Delete Confirmation Message in Windows 11

By Kevin / August 23, 2023

In this Quick Tip, I’ll show you how to turn on the delete confirmation dialog in Windows 10 and 11.

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How To Change Sleep and Hibernation Settings in Windows 11

By Kevin / July 12, 2023

In this blog post, I’m going to talk about what it means for your computer to be “going to sleep”, and why it’s different then “hibernation”. I will also talk about whether or not it’s actually beneficial to turn these settings on, even though Microsoft turned them on by default.

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How To Use System Restore in Windows 11

By Kevin / July 6, 2023

In this blog post, I’m going to cover how to navigate to System Restore settings in Windows 11, and the process of creating a Restore Point to allow you to tell Windows to revert settings to a previous point in time, which may be necessary if a newly installed program is causing you grief, but uninstalling it isn’t resolving the issue.

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Kevin’s Picks: Why I Recommend Using Start11 Instead of the Windows 11 Start Menu

By Kevin / January 19, 2023

In this Quick Tip, I will talk about the frustrating so-called Start Menu in Windows 11, and the program you can install to replace it, called Start11, and have a much more usable Start Menu. I will also walk you through how to download and install Start11.

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Quick Tip: How To Display Desktop Icons (This PC, etc.)

By Kevin / October 11, 2022

In this blog post, I’m going to talk about how to display icons, like This PC, Documents, Network, Recycle Bin, and Control Panel on your Windows 10 desktop. I will also show you how to enable these icons.

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Quick Tip: What Version of Windows Do You Have?

By Kevin / October 10, 2022

In this blog post, I will help you find out what version of Windows is on your computer.

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How To Change Your Windows 10 or 11 PIN Into A Secure Password [Premium]

By Kevin / October 9, 2022

In this subscriber-only blog post, I will cover how to change your Windows 10 or 11 PIN to a proper, secure password. By default, out of the box so to speak, it requires that you create at least a 4-digit PIN. I strongly suggest immediately changing that to a secure password to reduce your computer’s likelihood of being compromised. Here’s how to do that.

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Quick Tip: How To Change Default Programs in Windows 11

By Kevin / October 28, 2021

In this Quick Tip, I will talk about and walk you through how to change your default programs in Windows 11.

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