password manager

Why You Shouldn’t Use Google Chrome’s Password Manager [Premium]

By Kevin / April 9, 2024

In this blog post exclusive to paid subscribers, I will explain why you SHOULD NOT use the free Password Manager built into Google Chrome. Instead, please use either Bit Warden or 1Password. Simply put, it prioritizes convenience over security.

This blog post was inspired by an article on Android Police.

Here are the top four reasons to ditch the password manager in Google Chrome.

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Kevin’s Picks: KeePass Password Manager

By Kevin / December 1, 2023

I continue to strongly recommend using a Password Manager like 1Password or Bit Warden for years now. That said, it’s important not to solely rely on cloud services, even when they’re super secure.

Here’s a look at KeePass.

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Installing and Using the 1Password Chrome Extension

By Kevin / November 24, 2023

In this post, I will show you how to install the Chrome extension for 1Password, the Password Manager. After these steps, 1Password should recognize the website you’re on and auto-fill your login details.

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Downloading and Using The 1Password Desktop App

By Kevin / November 24, 2023

This blog post walks you through how to install and use the 1Password desktop app. I have used the browser extensions for 1Password, and before that LastPass, but I find them somewhat unreliable, and each browser needs to be “reset” occasionally, which means re-installing any extensions. I prefer the desktop app.

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