Quick Tip: How To Change Notifications Settings in Windows 11
In this Quick Tip, I'll show you how to access and change the Notification settings in Windows 11. Since every single program and app can apparently send you notifications above the System Tray and Clock, it's a good idea to go into those settings and disable the ones you don't want, or simply turn them all off. Here's how to do that.
At the top of the Notifications page, you can disable ALL notifications with the on/off switch. Below that, you can disable or enable notifications from specific apps.
That is how you can access and change Notification settings in Windows 11. It's a bit of effort to clean them up and only see notifications you want to see, but it's worthwhile doing.
How To Guide For A System Cleanup (FREE)
Please check out my FREE How To Guide regarding the steps I recommend taking during a System Cleanup.
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