Premium Subscriptions

Hello everyone!

My goal is to help YOU better understand and get more out of your technology. My content allows you to learn at your own pace without becoming frustrated or overwhelmed, so you can enjoy your technology a little more and have more time for other things you enjoy and people you care about!

I’m offering How To's and Explainers with a healthy dose of humanity and humility for typically non-tech-savvy people. However, I suspect computer geeks like me will also enjoy my content.

Join My Patreon!

There are certain benefits I cannot offer on my website that I CAN offer through Patreon.

You can sign up to access ALL of my content through Patreon, including paid content on this website, and early access to my newsletters (PAID when it launches). You do not need to sign up directly on this website, but the choice is yours.

Tiers and Benefits


I am accountable to YOU and others in this community.

Your support also allows me to:

  • Buy home office equipment.
  • Hire a proofreader
  • Pay my bills
  • Buy groceries
  • Feed my cat

Thank you so much for your support! Thank you for reading, watching, and thank you for being part of this community! Looking forward to hearing from you!