Quick Tip: How To Change Your Windows 11 PIN Into A Secure Password

In this blog post, I will cover changing your Windows 11 PIN to a proper, secure password. By default, out of the box, so to speak, it requires that you create at least a 4-digit PIN. I strongly suggest immediately changing that to a secure password to reduce your computer’s likelihood of being compromised. Here’s how to do that.
Then, click “Accounts”, and “Sign-in Options” on the left. After that, please click “PIN (Windows Hello)”, and click “Change Password”.
You will need to scroll down a bit on the right. Then click “sign-in options”.
Some items are collapsed on this page. You will need to click “Windows Hello” to expand the options, or the little arrow pointing down to the right of that.
Then click the “Change PIN” button.
On the “Change your PIN” page, ensure “Include letters and symbols”, then enter a secure password with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Be sure to write it down first, but get rid of it once you memorize it.
Then, click “OK”.
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