Monthly Tune Up and Updates For the Mac

Let’s talk about the steps involved for a Tune-Up for the Mac. Here’s a quick review of the steps during Tune-Ups. The steps are similar to to a System Cleanup.
This is a general overview of how I perform a Mac tune-up. You can skip to the parts of the blog post you care about.
PLEASE NOTE: I DO offer drop-off and remote support services, but I NO LONGER OFFER Monthly Tune-ups. Since I cannot help everyone, I hope these blog posts are straightforward enough for you to follow these steps on your own.
One of my go-to programs to tidy things up is CCleaner. It happens to be FREE, but not all programs I recommend are. I clear up things like temporary internet files, internet cache, and internet browsing history. All of which are optional. However, I won’t clear the cookies unless I have a specific reason. Cookies are harmless.
I also use CleanMyMac, by MacPaw ($54CDN/yr). It's a bit pricey, but an absolute must have in my opinion.
It clears up junk files, but looks in places CCleaner doesn’t (and vise versa). It also checks for a variety of other issues, including System Optimizations, Spyware, Security holes, disk errors, privacy traces, an performs other performance checks and takes care of that as well.
I will also check the status of your antivirus software. In most cases, the Mac doesn't need an antivirus. It's much more secure than Windows.
Updating Programs
It’s also very important to keep programs up to date. I do this using MacUpdater. It's an inexpensive program that scans for and updates many programs. I strongly recommend purchasing and using this program.
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