Kevin’s Picks: Greenshot

2023-05-24 16_18_22-Settings

Greenshot is a FREE screenshot program that allows you to capture what is on your screen at any given moment by pressing a combination of keyboard shortcuts, depending on your preferences. I have used Greenshot to create ALL of the screenshot images you see on this website.


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In the Settings of Greenshot, there are a few tabs with different options. On the General tab, as shown above, ou can customize keyboard shortcuts for the type of screen capture you want, be it the entire screen, or a portion of it.

You can also choose the destination folder of you screen captures on the “output” tab, change the image format (png, jpg, etc), and more.

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You can capture the mouse pointer or not, show notifications after each screenshot is taken, play a sound when a screenshot is taken, and more.

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On the “Destination” tab, you can configure Greenshot to ask you where to save screenshots every time, or have it set to automatic after you choose where the save the first screenshot you take. There are a few other options here as well.

Here is an example of what it will look like when you choose to capture a region of the screen. You click in one spot, and drag the mouse pointer to make the “square” capture area larger or smaller. Release the mouse button to take the screenshot.

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This is a terrifically useful screen capture tool that I would honestly pay for if it weren’t free. Give it a try. I think you’ll really like it! 🙂

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