Kevin’s Picks: Driver Booster

2022-12-11 12_47_50-Window

This blog post is part of my System Cleanup series. In this Quick Pick, I'll briefly discuss and walk you through how to use IOBit's Driver Booster in addition to Windows Update. However, I recommend downloading it using PatchMyPC instead.

Please note that I prefer the Pro version of Driver Booster, which is NOT free. You can upgrade to Pro within the free version.

The hardware in your computer talks to Windows and the programs you have installed using what are called “drivers”. Having updated versions of those drivers installed improves performance and reliability.

Doing this manually can be a huge pain, as you have to go to the website of each manufacturer of each part (video card, sound card, etc.), find the file to download, and install it, so I prefer a program like Driver Booster.

Microsoft offers *some* drivers through Windows Update, but it's not updated very well.

Having updated drivers installed improves security and reliability.

Click Image To View Larger Version

After you have downloaded and installed Driver Booster, which I cover in my Patreon post on this topic, open it, click on "scan", and you'll quickly see a list of drivers on your computer that should be updated to the latest versions, many of which you won't see in Windows Update.

After you have downloaded and installed Driver Booster, which I cover in my Patreon post on this topic, open it, click on "scan", and you'll quickly see a list of drivers on your computer that should be updated to the latest versions, many of which you won't see in Windows Update.

Once drivers have been updated, you will be given additional options, including tidying up "invalid" (previous versions) drivers no longer being used. Go ahead and click the "clean" button to do that.

Click Image To View Larger Version

Click Image To View Larger Version

Then click the red "Clean" button. When it's done, click "close", and you may exit the program.

I have tried a few programs like Driver Booster to do this sort of thing, and Driver Booster works the best, and I strongly recommend it. Please don't just rely on Windows Update. Reliability and performance WILL improve with the proper, current drivers.

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