How To Reset Windows 11

There are any number of reasons why you might want to or need to "reset" Windows 11. These might include virus or malware infection, or even a brand new computer where you want to avoid the manufacturer-altered version of Windows it came with, or the bundled software.
Here is the step-by-step process on how to download a "clean" copy of Windows directly from Microsoft and have your computer back up and running fairly quickly, though setup for your given needs will take longer.
PLEASE NOTE: This tends to be a trustworthy process, but it's always best practices to ensure you have current backups of your data just in case.
Go to Settings
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In Windows 11, single-left-click the Start Menu, then "Settings".
Recovery Settings
In Settings, on the "System" tab, click "Recovery" on the right hand side.
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Reset PC
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On the "Recovery" screen, click on the "Reset PC" button under "Recovery Options".
Keep My Files or Remove Everything
On the "Reset this PC" screen, choose an option. These include "Keep my files", which removes apps and settings, but keeps your personal files. This is basically a re-install of Windows itself. If you have personal files saved on the same hard drive or solid state drive, those shouldn't be touched.
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Or, choose "Remove everything", which removes all of your personal files, apps, and settings. This WILL NOT erase the drive, but Windows will treat it as such and have it appear as such to you. As you use Windows and save files, that space will be slowly overwritten.
I don't keep my personal files on the same drive in case I need to quickly do a clean install of Windows and not worry about them. I find that doing a "clean" install using the "Remove everything" option tends to work better and is more reliable.
Cloud Download or Local Reinstall

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The next screen gives us two more options. "Cloud download" downloads a "clean", current copy of Windows 11 directly from Microsoft. This is what I recommend doing.
Quick Review and Final Thoughts
Cloud Download and Clean Install
Please note that the cloud download can be up to 4GB in size, so keep that in mind if you have internet connection limitations.
Once downloaded, Windows will restart the computer and the reset process will take about 20 to 30 minutes. During that time, Windows will mark the drive as completely empty and install a clean copy of Windows. You will not be able to use your computer during this time.
Local Reinstall
The other option is "Local reinstall", which reinstalls Windows using files from the computer itself, usually hidden away from regular use.
Automatic Restart and Wait
Either way, Windows will restart automatically and your computer will be usable until the process completes.
Final Thoughts
In the cases of trying to recover from virus or malware infection, I don't trust the local reinstall option, assuming those files have been compromised. Regardless, I haven't had much luck with the local reinstall option, and have had it fail for no apparent reason on a few occasions.
That's the process of resetting Windows 11. Again, I recommend the Cloud Download option if you can do it. Doing a clean install of Windows this way is ideal.
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